What does it mean to be authentic? In this time of the real
fake and the overwhelming attempt to redefine the real as the constructed how
do we have a relationship with the components that when once assembled become
an authentic moment or person or interaction? Is the act of commitment the
pivot point? Once you care you might have a chance to be involved in something
that may resemble an authentic experience.
I am consistently surprised because as
a naive and childish man the neo modern desire to appear as if nothing matters
seems so obviously played out to me. The militant movement of “I don’t care”
has won the day and its army is marching on aloofly crushing all skulls that
tend to actually show caring about a thing or an interaction. How passé it is
to actually be entwined in commitment and openness of the self to caring about
any thing or moment. How risky and silly. How foolish these soft caring people
are to open themselves up to disappointment and failure.
What has happened to bravery? Has it been mediated by so
many removals of direct connections that what bravery needs as source material
is no longer there? I like this as an idea but it is easily proven false by the
total bravery of the occupy folks though they are but a small total percentage
of the population. One could say the 99% is being represented by the .01% who
have risked the most paramount of risks in that they have opened their physical
being to damage at the hands of the consistently barbaric police drones. Having
myself been beaten up by the cops back in my years of madness I am fully aware
of the complete fear of getting wailed on by the guys who can then say it was
your own fault they acted barbarically and then gleefully throw your broken ass
in jail. It’s a mind fuck to say the least.
So if bravery exists in this shallow time of the real fake then why is it the mass of people I meet are committed to the army of “I don’t care” and the protections that this shift provides? Has the mediated reality that most of us live through the screens of our devices made the empirical visceral interaction a terrifying thing best avoided? Caring has been pummeled into a thing that only the foolish and childish participate in. To be committed is to be set up for pain and loss.
Holy shit that sounds terrible. If the thing that was once
sought after was a solid understanding of quality now I think those of us that
would have been on the quality project back in the seventies should go now and find the magic dagger
which can murder the thing that powers the “I don’t care” army. It is killing
interactions and ideas. It is making us pointless and vapid and not in the good
way. We need to care. We need to care all the time.
The early punk rock ethos taught me most of what I
internalized about how to be in the world both for the benefit and the detriment
of my rollercoaster ride so far. If punk rock taught me anything it taught me
that caring and caring passionately is the coolest thing that a person can do.
Lets all try and be more punk in this real fake time and care and tell
everybody that you care and why don’t they. Call out their fear by confronting
Be punk and give a shit.
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